Sunday, March 27, 2011

Old Dog

Granddaddy told be of his grandfather, who was a member of the ku klux klan.
his grandfather suited up every evening and took his pride and all he had learned
to discuss all of his hatred for colors and his black and white views
and to burn all of the things he was told to believe in,
like crosses and swastikas...
but he had one problem...he had a dog.
and all dogs see different colors than we do...
and they don't seem to be so offended by them...
and the dog always followed him around in his white skin
and even in his white suit and cap,
and damnit the dog was always so obvious and naked.
so very much the opposite of what his grandfather intended to accomplish.
but sometimes love is more powerful than hate.
and so everyone always knew about his grandfather,
and his all of his silly rantings and rally's...

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